at Beeford Village Hall in aid of the RNLI
(Organised by club
member Geoff Figgett)
Many thanks to all
those who went along to help and display boats, run the raffle, do the catering
and a special thanks to Philip for doing all the washing up!

First prize winner

Second prize winner

Third prize winner

you from the RNLI
The following
article/photo appeared in the Bridlington Free Press - Thursday 10th November
Bridlington Model Boat Society have
given help to a much larger sailing craft by donating a cheque to Bridlington
Ian Phillips, club secretary, and Geoff
Figgett, event organiser, along with other members of the club presented
Lifeboat Coxswain Stuart Mckie with a cheque for £211.00.
The money was raised by holding a raffle,
tombola and tea stalls at a Model Boat Show held at the Beeford
Community Centre in September.
Geoff Figgett said "we would like to
thank members of the public who came to the show and donated money and our
thanks also go to all our members and their wives who gave up their time
to help".
The Model Boat Society have raised money
for the lifeboat many times in the past and have once again chosen this
charity because of the local connection and their interest in boats.
Photo by Andy Brompton shows Geoff Figgett
presenting Stuart Mckie with the cheque.