Tree cutting, March 2003 |
The trees
surrounding the lake are very picturesque and provide a
good buffer from the strong winds that whistle across the
open fields, the days when the wind whipped up
"white water" on the lake seem to be thankfully
gone, but it was felt necessary to cut the tops of the
trees back in order to ease the wind strain on them as we
have had a couple blown over, and to allow enough wind
through to satisfy our ever growing band of Yachters. On
a previous occasion we have attempted to do the job
ourselves but it proved just a step too far for the usual
band of volunteers, so this time the cutting was done by
contractors and to keep the cost down, we agreed to do
the clearing up.
Spot the contractor.
Another trailer load of cuttings arrive for unloading.
Many hands make light work
Any excuse for a lie down