Hopefully my night time photography will improve with practice but my thanks to to Geoff Figgett for his contribution to this first page.

We have a couple of night sailing events during the year and of course our now famous Bonfire, Burgers and Boats event to celebrate Guy Fawkes Night, giving everyone the chance to come along and show off their lights. You are all very welcome to come along and join in the fun.

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Geoff Figgett's impressive large scale tanker prepares to leave harbour on the night tide.

Arthur Pickering's Yorkshireman appears through the dark.

Yorkshire Belle leaves for a night cruise round the bay.

Paul Cropp's newest boat , first time out at night.

Never mind my boat, says BMBS President Mike Sheard, I'm all ready to go!
He keeps telling everyone he was 'decorated at sea', now we know what he means!!